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The tf-aws platform compiles your program for Terraform and run on AWS.


$ wing compile --platform tf-aws [entrypoint]


The tf-aws platform supports the following parameters (in wing.toml):

  • vpc - Determine whether to create a new VPC or use an existing one. Allowed values: "new" or "existing".
  • private_subnet_ids (array of strings) - If using an existing VPC, provide the private subnet IDs.
  • public_subnet_ids (array of strings) - If using an existing VPC, provide the public subnet IDs.
  • vpc_api_gateway (boolean) - Whether Api gateways should be deployed in a VPC.
  • vpc_lambda (boolean) - Whether Lambda functions should be deployed in a VPC.

Example wing.toml:

[ tf-aws ]
vpc = "new"
vpc_lambda = true
vpc_api_gateway = true
vpc_id = "vpc-123xyz"
private_subnet_ids = ["subnet-123xyz"]
public_subnet_ids = ["subnet-123xyz"]

Implicit VPC

The tf-aws platform can create a new VPC for you if needed. The VPC is pretty standard and includes:

  • A VPC with CIDR block
  • An Internet Gateway
  • A NAT Gateway
  • A single public subnet with CIDR block
  • Two private subnets with CIDR blocks and (both have Egress via NAT Gateway)


The output includes both a Terraform configuration file (under target/cdktf.out/stacks/root) and JavaScript bundles that include inflight code that executes on compute platform such as AWS Lambda.


You can deploy your stack to AWS using Terraform (instructions).